Hobart Occupational Medicine is pleased to advise that through sponsorship we are able to offer the Pre symposium Seminar with Alex Collie free of charge. Book direct for the Pre-Symposium Seminar with Professor Alex Collie @ RYCT to be held on the evening of Thursday 15 June 2017 at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania with Hobart Tickets or visit the […]
Draft Second Reading Speech – Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation Act Amendments
Mr Guy Barnett’s second reading speech includes the following summary of the Government’s intentions with amendments to Workers Compensation legislation expected to be enacted by 01 July 2017. “The amended Bill will not only improve the operation of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988, it will result in significant savings for Tasmanian businesses, insurers […]
SAVE THE DATE! Professor Alex Collie is coming to Hobart during June.
Pre-Symposium Seminar “The light and dark of injury compensation scheme design and worker outcomes – An objective look at the evidence” Hobart Occupational Medicine is pleased to present an evening information with Professor Alex Collie – leading figure in the field of Compensation Health Research. Click on link for preliminary information Alex Collie Pre-symposium Seminar Information […]
Workers Compensation Dispute Data 2015-16
When a claim for workers compensation is disputed the first step is that the insurer/employer seeks a determination by the Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation Tribunal of a ‘reasonably arguable case’. There is a relatively low threshold for the Tribunal to make such a finding i.e. establish that there is some reasonable doubt about liability. This […]
Better Work Tasmania – Creating Mentally Healthy Workplaces
I attended a Better Work Tasmania Networking Session on Friday 24 February. Not only was it a valuable networking opportunity with the many employers represented, but an opportunity to hear presentations by organisational psychologist, Dr Angela Martin, lawyer, Mr David Dilger and Mr Stephen Dowling from Delivering Safe Production & Services. The session provided information about […]
Workplace Rehabilitation Provider Information
We have added information for workplace rehabilitation providers to our website. See link below: Information for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers
ACHRF ‘Committee’s Choice’ Poster Award
I made a presentation at the recent Australasian Compensation Health Research Forum in Melbourne. The presentation was in the form of a Poster presenting the work the AMA had done in promoting the concept of ‘Complex Case Management’ as an alternative ‘clinical pathway’ for workers with potentially poor-prognosis work injuries. I was pleased to be awarded […]
Dr McArdle joins Hobart Occupational Medicine
The practice is pleased to welcome Helen to join the practice after a long period of service with the Tasmanian Health Department in various roles. Helen brings to the practice a wealth of knowledge and experience. Helen is available to accept referrals from general practitioners and provide expert opinion in her fields of expertise. See […]
Adverse Event Reporting
As from 01 March 2016, this practice has introduced a new system to systematically record adverse events affecting workers being managed with the various compensation systems that operate in Tasmania. This has come about in response to an apparent recent increase in such events and the lack of any available means to track such events through […]
ABC Catalyst Programme – Back Pain
The ABC Catalyst programme that aired on Tuesday night is worth watching. Prominent and respected practitioners put central sensitisation and its relationship to ‘nociceptive’ pain into perspective as well as interesting pieces about the place for surgery and neuro-stimulators in the management of chronic pain Worth the 28 minutes to watch it. Catalyst Episode 8 […]