The practice is pleased to welcome Helen to join the practice after a long period of service with the Tasmanian Health Department in various roles. Helen brings to the practice a wealth of knowledge and experience. Helen is available to accept referrals from general practitioners and provide expert opinion in her fields of expertise. See […]
Adverse Event Reporting
As from 01 March 2016, this practice has introduced a new system to systematically record adverse events affecting workers being managed with the various compensation systems that operate in Tasmania. This has come about in response to an apparent recent increase in such events and the lack of any available means to track such events through […]
Tilting at Windmills – Light Easter Reading?
There is an interesting discussion in the comments section of the Tilting at Windmills article I recently posted on Insult & Injury Blog. Richard Gilley from RiskNet is providing some data about the proportion of income earned from treating workers compensation cases which seems ‘out of kilter’ with my understanding. I am planning a ‘Fact […]
ABC Catalyst Programme – Back Pain
The ABC Catalyst programme that aired on Tuesday night is worth watching. Prominent and respected practitioners put central sensitisation and its relationship to ‘nociceptive’ pain into perspective as well as interesting pieces about the place for surgery and neuro-stimulators in the management of chronic pain Worth the 28 minutes to watch it. Catalyst Episode 8 […]
Towards Simplicity – Complex Case Management by Doctors
This article explains how proactive doctors can cut through the complexity of workers compensation systems for their patients and help them recover. Link to article on ‘Insult & Injury’ Blog
The Insult of Complexity
See my blog post summarising a presentation by Dr Jason Thompson at the ISCRR Research Forum held in Melbourne in December 2015. The Insult of Complexity
Holiday Period Closure
Hobart Occupational Medicine will be closed over the holiday period from Monday 21 December and re-open on Monday 11 January 2016 for business as usual. Dr Crowell will be in attendance at the practice on the morning of 06 January 2015, but Dr Sharman will not resume consulting until 11 January 2016. If you are a patient […]
Medical Dispute Resolution Survey – Last Days
We have had more than 75 people complete the survey, providing information about the views of people who attend the practice about IME assessments and whether they have had any experience with alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. I am planning to collate the results in final preparation for my presentation to the ALA Conference next week. […]
AMA Presents Reform Submission to the WorkCover Board
Neurosurgeon, Mr Andrew Hunn, AMA CEO, Mr Tony Steven and Occupational Physician, Dr Peter Sharman were invited to attend the September meeting of the WorkCover Board to present a submission about the AMA’s ideas for workers compensation reform. The centrepiece of the submission were ideas about how ‘complex’ cases can be streamed into an alternate […]
WorkSafe releases ‘Consultation Overview Paper” Potential Act Amendments
During 2014 the Tasmanian Government requested that the WorkCover Board engage with scheme participants and stakeholders about opportunities to reduce ‘red tape’ in the Tasmanian Compensation Scheme. A ‘Consultation Overview Paper’ has been released by WorkSafe Tasmania listing the potential amendments to the legislation. The amendments relevant to workers, rehabilitation providers and doctors include changes relating […]