We are now an accredited Occupational & Environmental Medicine Training Practice The Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) has confirmed via correspondence – Accreditation Decision of Hobart Occupational Medicine that Hobart Occupational Medicine is an accredited training practice for the period from August 2019 to August 2024. I am pleased to advise that […]
AFOEM ACCREDITED TRAINING, DR CROWELL & REVISED FEES I am pleased to advise that this practice has been accredited as a training practice by the Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) within the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP). Dr Troy Crowell has been accepted as an advanced (Stage B) trainee by AFOEM […]
Updated Practice Policy – Third Party Access to Medical Records
In response to the increasing frequency for requests of copies of our clinical files by insurers, and a recent legal case involving this practice, we have updated our policies and procedures to cover situations where file copies are requested by a third party or a summons or subpoena is issued to obtain such access. The […]
OMIT Newsletter – Friday 27 September 2019
Yes, definitely, slipping behind. It’s a Friday Newsletter this week. Tragedy at Nyrstar We are saddened to hear about the death of a Nyrstar worker at the site last Wednesday. Our condolences to Mr Michael Petterwood’s family. Here is a link to a recent ABC News article https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-09-25/worker-killed-at-hobart-nyrstar-zinc-smelter/11548518 Mandatory Reporting As promised, here is a […]
Interested to travel to Canberra on 09 October?
I am running an information session entitled “What happened to RSI – Upper limb pain in the context of computer work – an occupational physician’s 30-year perspective” Unfortunately for interested locals, I am running the session in Canberra, Australia’s National Capital, but also arguably our RSI capital. The venue was chosen due to my involvement […]
Tasmania’s Workers Compensation System on the national stage!
On Thursday last week I attended the Return to Work (RTW) Forum conducted by the Insurance Work and Health Group at Monash University. Prof Alex Collie was the principle presenter. The research presented included two studies about Tasmania’s workers compensation system. Most interestedly the evaluation of what is known as the Return to Work & […]
Alex Collie Seminar 15 June – Fully Booked!
The Pre-Symposium Seminar organised by Hobart Occupational Medicine and presented by Prof Alex Collie from Monash University is full. The registrations are a veritable “Who’s Who” in Tasmania’s Workers Compensation Scheme, including doctors, allied health practitioners, rehabilitation providers, lawyers (plaintiff and defendant), employers, regulators and insurers. If you missed out on a place, please let […]
Tickets are Free! – Alex Collie Presymposium Seminar – June 2017 in Hobart
Hobart Occupational Medicine is pleased to advise that through sponsorship we are able to offer the Pre symposium Seminar with Alex Collie free of charge. Book direct for the Pre-Symposium Seminar with Professor Alex Collie @ RYCT to be held on the evening of Thursday 15 June 2017 at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania with Hobart Tickets or visit the […]
Workers Compensation Dispute Data 2015-16
When a claim for workers compensation is disputed the first step is that the insurer/employer seeks a determination by the Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation Tribunal of a ‘reasonably arguable case’. There is a relatively low threshold for the Tribunal to make such a finding i.e. establish that there is some reasonable doubt about liability. This […]
Employee Assist for DHHS employees
I have recently been made aware that DHHS employees have access to a free counselling programme through Converge International. This is a confidential service available to all employees for up to 4 sessions per issue. Phone: 1300 687 327 For further information about Converge International see their website: http://www.convergeinternational.com.au