Over many years Hobart Occupational Medicine has accepted GP referrals to assist with the medical management and rehabilitation of patients with complex work-related injury and disease. This has included the provision of telephone advice, clinical and workplace assessment and, where requested by the GP and agreed in consultation with other parties, acceptance of the role […]
Updated COVID-19 Precautions at Hobart Occupational Medicine
The health, safety and well-being of patients, staff and visitors to this practice and the community generally are of paramount importance. Our practice already adheres to strict infection control procedures with stringent cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation procedures in place. While COVID-19 presents any risk in our local environment, the practice will take proportionate precautions to […]
Hobart Occupational Medicine – A Proud Supporter of TFOM!
The Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine is the “Not For Profit” Association that supports the development of Occupational Medicine in Tasmania. The Foundation assists with the identification of suitable training opportunities and funding for training activities with a focus on scholarships for doctors wanting to train as Occupational Physicians. The Foundation expects it will have an […]
COVID Issues for Tasmania
The Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine (TFOM) is a “not-for-profit” association that aims to raise awareness about the importance of health in the workplace. TFOM has put together ideas about planning for further COVID outbreaks in Tasmania given the serious consequences for workers, their employees and the Tasmanian Economy. See TFOM’s latest Newsletter https://tfom.org.au/covid-newsletter-august-2020-covid-19-a-national-work-health-safety-approach/
Appointments with Dr Sharman
During these uncertain times, with restricted interstate travel for visiting medical practitioners, there have been additional demands on the practice, particularly for medico-legal appointments with Dr Sharman. Dr Sharman has been involved with the Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine in the development of response plans should Tasmania experience the problems being witnessed in Victoria. Dr Crowell […]
Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine
Recently occupational medicine specialists in Tasmania have formed a “Not for Profit” Foundation – the Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine – TFOM to promote the discipline of occupational medicine in Tasmania. One of the principal objectives is to assist doctors wishing to specialise as Fellows of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. […]
As you are aware the World Health Organisation has announced COVID-19 as a pandemic. At the 201 Davey Street Practice we take our patients, staff, visitors and community health and wellbeing seriously. Already adhering to strict Infection Control Guidelines, we have stringent cleaning, disinfecting and sterilisation procedures in place. In light of the current environment […]
Coronavirus (COVID – 19) Bulletin
This practice recognises the significant implications of the Coronavirus Pandemic for our community now that we are starting to see cases diagnosed locally in Tasmania (3 so far). As yet, we haven’t seen any community transmission in Hobart, but the experts are expecting that to occur at some stage soon. The medical community is preparing […]
OMIT Newsletter – February 2020
This is the first newsletter for 2020 and likely to be the last “OMIT” Newsletter in this format due to the formation of the Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine (TFOM) Inc. ! I expect future newsletters will be on the TFOM website. Launch – Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine Inc. A Foundation to support Occupational […]
Dr Crowell is back!
I am excited to announce Dr Crowell’s return to Hobart Occupational Medicine. At this stage he will be working each Friday accepting referrals of patients with complex work injuries for ongoing management, in addition to assisting Dr Sharman with the assessment of new referrals. Dr Crowell is now a Registrar in Occupational & Environmental […]