The attached Media Release confirms the names of the successful appointees to the new WorkCover Board. Media Release – WorkCover Board appointments – February 2018 For commentary on the new board click on the link to my article: Great Expectations – The new ‘skills-based’ WorkCover Tasmania Board
Alex Collie Seminar 15 June – Fully Booked!
The Pre-Symposium Seminar organised by Hobart Occupational Medicine and presented by Prof Alex Collie from Monash University is full. The registrations are a veritable “Who’s Who” in Tasmania’s Workers Compensation Scheme, including doctors, allied health practitioners, rehabilitation providers, lawyers (plaintiff and defendant), employers, regulators and insurers. If you missed out on a place, please let […]
Tickets are Free! – Alex Collie Presymposium Seminar – June 2017 in Hobart
Hobart Occupational Medicine is pleased to advise that through sponsorship we are able to offer the Pre symposium Seminar with Alex Collie free of charge. Book direct for the Pre-Symposium Seminar with Professor Alex Collie @ RYCT to be held on the evening of Thursday 15 June 2017 at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania with Hobart Tickets or visit the […]
Draft Second Reading Speech – Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation Act Amendments
Mr Guy Barnett’s second reading speech includes the following summary of the Government’s intentions with amendments to Workers Compensation legislation expected to be enacted by 01 July 2017. “The amended Bill will not only improve the operation of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988, it will result in significant savings for Tasmanian businesses, insurers […]
SAVE THE DATE! Professor Alex Collie is coming to Hobart during June.
Pre-Symposium Seminar “The light and dark of injury compensation scheme design and worker outcomes – An objective look at the evidence” Hobart Occupational Medicine is pleased to present an evening information with Professor Alex Collie – leading figure in the field of Compensation Health Research. Click on link for preliminary information Alex Collie Pre-symposium Seminar Information […]
Workers Compensation Dispute Data 2015-16
When a claim for workers compensation is disputed the first step is that the insurer/employer seeks a determination by the Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation Tribunal of a ‘reasonably arguable case’. There is a relatively low threshold for the Tribunal to make such a finding i.e. establish that there is some reasonable doubt about liability. This […]
Employee Assist for DHHS employees
I have recently been made aware that DHHS employees have access to a free counselling programme through Converge International. This is a confidential service available to all employees for up to 4 sessions per issue. Phone: 1300 687 327 For further information about Converge International see their website:
Useful links – Resources for Injured Workers and Professionals
My blog includes a listing of useful resources, in addition to the links on this site:
Government Tables Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Bill 2016
The Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Bill 2016 includes provisions to remove the requirement for medical practitioners to be accredited by WorkCover to issue Workers Compensation Medical Certificates and to make significant changes to the WorkCover Board.The requirement for accreditation of medical practitioners to conduct assessments of Whole Person Impairment (WPI) will remain. The changes to […]
New Chief Commissioner Appointed
The Premier’s Office recently announced the appointment of a new Chief Commissioner of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal, Mr Robert Webster to replace the outgoing Mr Steve Carey. See link to announcement below: