The Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine (TFOM) is a “not-for-profit” association that aims to raise awareness about the importance of health in the workplace. TFOM has put together ideas about planning for further COVID outbreaks in Tasmania given the serious consequences for workers, their employees and the Tasmanian Economy. See TFOM’s latest Newsletter
Appointments with Dr Sharman
During these uncertain times, with restricted interstate travel for visiting medical practitioners, there have been additional demands on the practice, particularly for medico-legal appointments with Dr Sharman. Dr Sharman has been involved with the Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine in the development of response plans should Tasmania experience the problems being witnessed in Victoria. Dr Crowell […]
Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine
Recently occupational medicine specialists in Tasmania have formed a “Not for Profit” Foundation – the Tasmanian Foundation for Occupational Medicine – TFOM to promote the discipline of occupational medicine in Tasmania. One of the principal objectives is to assist doctors wishing to specialise as Fellows of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. […]
COVID-19 Practice Arrangements – April 2020 – Updated 06 April
Hobart Occupational Medicine will continue to operate during these uncertain times for as long as it is safe to do so. In addition to the COVID-19 Precautions in place, we have also put in place additional measures to reduce risk of community transmission of coronavirus. While we continue to offer face to face consultations, we have […]
As you are aware the World Health Organisation has announced COVID-19 as a pandemic. At the 201 Davey Street Practice we take our patients, staff, visitors and community health and wellbeing seriously. Already adhering to strict Infection Control Guidelines, we have stringent cleaning, disinfecting and sterilisation procedures in place. In light of the current environment […]
Hobart Occupational Medicine – Accredited for Training!
We are now an accredited Occupational & Environmental Medicine Training Practice The Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) has confirmed via correspondence – Accreditation Decision of Hobart Occupational Medicine that Hobart Occupational Medicine is an accredited training practice for the period from August 2019 to August 2024. I am pleased to advise that […]
AFOEM ACCREDITED TRAINING, DR CROWELL & REVISED FEES I am pleased to advise that this practice has been accredited as a training practice by the Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) within the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP). Dr Troy Crowell has been accepted as an advanced (Stage B) trainee by AFOEM […]
Updated Practice Policy – Third Party Access to Medical Records
In response to the increasing frequency for requests of copies of our clinical files by insurers, and a recent legal case involving this practice, we have updated our policies and procedures to cover situations where file copies are requested by a third party or a summons or subpoena is issued to obtain such access. The […]
“RSI” Information Session in Canberra on 09 October 2019
If you are in the Canberra area on 09 October and interested in this controversial subject, come along to the ACT Law Society at lunch time to hear Dr Sharman provide his perspective on upper limb pain in the context of computer employment. Dr Sharman witnessed first-hand the “RSI” epidemic as Hydro-Electric Commission’s doctor in […]
Interested to travel to Canberra on 09 October?
I am running an information session entitled “What happened to RSI – Upper limb pain in the context of computer work – an occupational physician’s 30-year perspective” Unfortunately for interested locals, I am running the session in Canberra, Australia’s National Capital, but also arguably our RSI capital. The venue was chosen due to my involvement […]