The attached Media Release confirms the names of the successful appointees to the new WorkCover Board. Media Release – WorkCover Board appointments – February 2018 For commentary on the new board click on the link to my article: Great Expectations – The new ‘skills-based’ WorkCover Tasmania Board
The ComminInsure Scandal – Does it have implications for workers compensation?
See my recent blog article about this subject. Another Elephant? – Lessons from the Comminsure Scandal Concerns have also been expressed about CommInsure’s excessive use of covert surveillance of claimants. See earlier blog articles on this subject Surveillance – Sharp Focus or Blunt Instrument? Surveillance Again!
Improving the worker’s compensation system
Dr Sharman is passionate about improving the workers’ compensation system. He is active as a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (AFOEM). He is a member of the AMA, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD), as well as being a member of the Tasmanian Association of Vocational Rehabilitation […]