WorkCover Tasmania
Medical Advisory Panel
On behalf of the AFOEM Committee, I have flagged the importance of the issues with IME assessment, for further consideration by WorkCover. The first step is to establish the evidence about the extent of problems currently with IME processes, for consideration at the next Medical Advisory Panel meeting. I expect the next meeting will be held in early 2020.
RACP Tasmanian Physician Conference – Friday 08 November (that’s tomorrow) in Launceston
The RACP Tasmanian Physician Conference is to be held in Launceston tomorrow. Barry is chairing the first session where Niki Ellis will be giving the opening address and I have been persuaded to give a presentation in the session entitled “Medico-legal Vulnerability” in the afternoon.
The AFOEM committee will hold a dinner meeting after the formal conference is finished. The AFOEM/OMIT meeting will be held at Barry’s Practice in Frankland Street from 630pm. I expect two of the three trainees will be in attendance. I will circulate an agenda to attendees soon. If anyone else wants to attend contact Barry or myself asap.
Important discussion items will include how the specialist occupational medicine practices in Tasmania can best support training for AFOEM trainees and how we can promote a quality IME assessment process for Tasmania. The dinner meeting will be an excellent opportunity for practitioners interested in this field to get to know each other.
What’s On
Barry has alerted us that the ANZSOM (Australian and New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine) are running their national conference in Launceston next year from 19-22 March 2020 at the Pepper’s Silo Resort. The draft programme includes presentations by Dr Andreas Ernst, Dr Barry Gilbert, Dr Rob McCartney and Dr Tim Stewart with plans for multiple workplace visits and opportunities for training in audiometric skills and making presentations. More details as they come to hand.
ANZSOM are also hosting ICOH 2021 in Melbourne.
I am still seeking contributions for future newsletters.