Yes, definitely, slipping behind. It’s a Friday Newsletter this week.
Tragedy at Nyrstar
We are saddened to hear about the death of a Nyrstar worker at the site last Wednesday. Our condolences to Mr Michael Petterwood’s family. Here is a link to a recent ABC News article
Mandatory Reporting
As promised, here is a link to Dr Andrew Mulcahy’s presentation at the AMA Forum a few weeks ago:
Mandatory Reporting AMA – Aug 2019.pptx
WorkCover Tasmania
Steps for Wellness
Minister, Elise Archer, launched WorkSafe Month on the Parliament House lawns followed by two laps of St David’s Park on foot. Three members of the WorkCover Board were in attendance, Dr Rob Walters, Ms Jessica Munday and Ms Julieann Buchanan, as well of a host of WorkSafe Staff, Former Minister, Mr David O’Byrne and industry representatives showing their support for WorkSafe initiatives.
Medical Advisory Panel
The fourth meeting of the WorkCover Medical Advisory Panel is scheduled for 07 October 2019.
I have circulated a discussion paper about issues relating to implementation of the IME Guidelines. For those who haven’t seen it, I will attach a link to the latest version. IME Discussion paper I am interested in any comments and feedback prior to the MAP Meeting.
Inaugural OMIT Dinner – Friday 08 November in Launceston
I expect Barry and Andreas will circulate details soon
What’s On

Helen has flagged the above event on 14 October (Hobart) and 15 October (Launceston) that might be of interest. See link for details:
In November 2019 the AUSTRALASIAN DOCTORS’ HEALTH CONFERENCE 2019 will be held in WA. See link below :
There are apparently places at a Musculoskeletal WorkShop run by GPTT in Launceston on 05 October. The workshop is being conducted by Sports Physicians, Dr David Humphries and Dr Steve Reid. See link to programme.
I am running an information session about “upper limb pain in the context of computer employment” AKA “RSI”, but the session is being run in Canberra on 09 October. See the link to ACT Law Society website
There is a new article on my blog about 2019 Legal Decisions in the AAT related to upper limb pain and computer work. For this interested here is a link Split down the middle! – AAT decisions about upper limb pain and its relationship to computer employment
I am still seeking contributions for future newsletters. It would be good to hear something more about Mark Spearpoint, perhaps next week.