Dr Sharman has been invited to make a presentation to the Australian Lawyer’s Alliance National Conference to be held in Hobart from 22 to 24 October 2015. His topic will be ‘Medical Dispute Resolution – Where Are We Headed?’. If you come into the practice shortly you will see a survey questionnaire exploring views about compensation […]
WorkCover Media Release – MAMS
WorkCover Board member Dr Rob Walters has talked about the benefits envisaged from the new mentoring scheme for doctors. The mentors are Dr Jeff Ayton, Dr Tim Stewart, Dr Mark Spearpoint, Dr John O’Sullivan, Dr John Saul and Dr Alexander Thomson. See link to media release below TAS WorkCover MAMS Launch – Media Release 050815
Practice has reopened!
The practice has been able to re-open for the afternoon. Patients booked for appointments from 2pm onwards can be seen as scheduled.
Practice temporarily closed due to snow falls!
The practice will be closed this morning due to snow falls preventing staff coming into work. We will keep you posted to advise if the practice can open this afternoon.
The Evolution of Office Technology Screen Position Recommendations
I recently posted an article on one of my blog sites on this subject. The article is written by Bob Sellars, a New Zealand based physiotherapist. The article discusses the history of office technology and screen height recommendations. I always enjoy a historical perspective to provide better understanding of current practice. Here is a link: […]
Public Service absenteeism costing Tasmania $70m a year
The ABC today reported on the Auditor-General’s concerns about a growing culture of entitlement in the Tasmanian Public Service. Public service absenteeism costing Tasmania $70m a year, report finds Analysis of causes of absenteeism can identify potential solutions to this problem. Often employers respond by tightening up control of sick leave entitlements but my previous […]
More support needed for Risdon Prison Officers
#abcnews Former Risdon Prison worker says more support needed for employees http://t.co/ZpaFDg7ZKF — Tasworkdoc (@observerWC) July 24, 2015
WorkCover appoints Medical Mentors for trial (MAMS)
Mr Brad Parker at WorkCover has advised that the following doctors have been appointed as mentors for the trial Medical Advisory and Mentoring Service (MAMS): Dr Jeff Ayton – general practitioner Dr John O’Sullivan – general practitioner Dr John Saul – general practitioner Dr Mark Spearpoint – general practitioner Dr Tim Stewart – occupational physician […]
David Salisbury Appointed as JLT Manager of Workers Compensation
I am advised that David Salisbury, formerly with the state Department of Health & Human Services, has been appointed to manage workers compensation claims for Jardine Lloyd Thompson Australia (JLT). JLT have been appointed to take on administration of the State Service workers compensation self-insurance fund as from 01 July 2015. Once more details come […]
Stressful Claims Experience associated with Worse Health Outcomes
Dr Genevieve Grant from Monash University in Melbourne presented her research findings to a meeting of interested practitioners and insurers at a meeting sponsored by Hobart Occupational Medicine last night. Dr Grant’s research looked at the outcomes for people injured who had required hospital admission and found that measures of self-reported stress were associated with […]