Neurosurgeon, Mr Andrew Hunn, AMA CEO, Mr Tony Steven and Occupational Physician, Dr Peter Sharman were invited to attend the September meeting of the WorkCover Board to present a submission about the AMA’s ideas for workers compensation reform. The centrepiece of the submission were ideas about how ‘complex’ cases can be streamed into an alternate […]
Second Injury Scheme Seminar – 23 October 2015
Worker Assist and WorkSafe Tasmania have organised a seminar to explore the concept of a ‘second injury scheme’ for Tasmania as part of WorkSafe Month. The concept is that there is a need for incentives to employers take on workers who cannot return to their previous job because of their injury. This […]
WorkSafe releases ‘Consultation Overview Paper” Potential Act Amendments
During 2014 the Tasmanian Government requested that the WorkCover Board engage with scheme participants and stakeholders about opportunities to reduce ‘red tape’ in the Tasmanian Compensation Scheme. A ‘Consultation Overview Paper’ has been released by WorkSafe Tasmania listing the potential amendments to the legislation. The amendments relevant to workers, rehabilitation providers and doctors include changes relating […]
The Myth of Workers Compensation Fraud?
Alex Collie, CEO of ISCRR recently drew attention to this article. See article on Insult and Injury Blog: The Myth of Workers Compensation Fraud
WorkCover Legislative Review Tabled in Parliament
Finity Consulting Pty Limited were commissioned to provide a review of various amendments to the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1998. Their report has recently been posted on the WorkCover website. I understand the report was recently also tabled in Parliament. See link below to full report. The recommendations following the review were stated as follows: […]
AMA and Insurers develop a joint submission on Workers Compensation
Earlier this year the Tasmanian AMA and Workers Compensation Insurers made a joint submission to the Tasmanian Government about recommended changes to the state Workers Compensation System. Here is a copy: Joint AMA-Insurer submission For commentary here is a link to my Blog Article: Strange Bedfellows – The AMA Insurer Forum
Workers Compensation Dispute Data 2013-14
When a claim for workers compensation is disputed the first step is that the insurer/employer seeks a determination by the Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation Tribunal of a ‘reasonably arguable case’. There is a relatively low threshold for the Tribunal to make such a finding i.e. establish that there is some reasonable doubt about liability. In […]
Changes to the WorkCover Tasmania Board
In the latest WorkCover Annual Report the members of the WorkCover Board as listed as follows: Mr Robert Gozzi has been replaced by Mr Paul Arnold and Mr Kevin Harkins has been replaced by Mr Steve Walsh. The position of Insurance Advisor to the Board has also recently changed. Mr Peter Donaldson has recently been […]
ALA Conference in Hobart October 2015
Dr Sharman has been invited to make a presentation to the Australian Lawyer’s Alliance National Conference to be held in Hobart from 22 to 24 October 2015. His topic will be ‘Medical Dispute Resolution – Where Are We Headed?’. If you come into the practice shortly you will see a survey questionnaire exploring views about compensation […]
Ethics for Independent Medical Examiners – When can they take on treatment?
See Dr Sharman’s latest blog article that considers the circumstances in which an Independent Medical Examiner (IME) can get involved in treatment of the worker; Here is the link: Ethics 101 for IME’s – You Cannot Treat Too!