The Australian & New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine – ANZSOM held a weekend meeting in Hobart last weekend. Although I have not been a member of ANZSOM for some years, I attended the various sessions of the weekend meeting held at JLT’s offices in Hobart, Tassal and Willie Smith’s in the Huon Valley and at MONA.
The highlights were Dr Mark Spearpoint’s perspectives on Occupational Medicine in Tasmania, sessions by Dr Rob McCartney from Resile about the value of health promotion initiatives through industry, perspectives about Independent Medical Examinations from Dr Barry Gilbert (now resident in Northern Tasmania) and John Kirwan’s interesting presentation about how MONA manages event risks. We also received an update about management of burns.
Here is the full programme.
ANZSOM joint Tasmania Weekend Final Program
I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction and content of the weekend. Thanks to the organisers.
I think I will have to rejoin ANZSOM!
Peter Sharman